Thursday, 29 January 2009

xpect the unexpected.............

beinng overconfident is not gud in any sense.........

the much awaited break of confidence is here.........

the overbloated confidence is totally crashed down............

work on wat you suppose to n give 100%.........

some things are not ment for you ...............

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Inspirations needed for a design

and for that inspiration u hv to b inspiered enough to inspire ur self to look for an inspiration that will inspire you enough to make an inspirational collection that will inspire others to get inspiartion and design......

and for that inspiration u hv to b inspiered enough to inspire ur self to look for an inspiration that will inspire you enough to make an inspirational collection that will inspire others to get inspiartion and design......

and for that inspiration u hv to b inspiered enough to inspire ur self to look for an inspiration that will inspire you enough to make an inspirational collection that will inspire others to get inspiartion and design......

and now i hope you inspiered enough to get inspiration n design.......

Saturday, 10 January 2009

power to love
power to overcome all obstacles.......
power to kill,power to live
sumthin within....
to be felt
inside someware
xprees show n let b felt..............